Didi Wahyudi , chief of the citizen service and protection task force at the Indonesian Consulate in Jeddah , said on Wednesday police in Madinah have yet to react to a complaint against a Saudi employer accused of toturing 23 year old Indonesian maid Sumiati binti Salan Mustapa.
“The Madinah police have not detained the Saudi employer so far despite the fact that the complaint was lodged with the Fasaliah police Station there on Nov.10,”said Wahyudi.
Wahdudi told Arab news via phone from Madinah that the housemaid was undergoing intensive treatment , including surgery , to ensure restoration of her batered organs, lips,nose and limbs.
The hosemaid was hospitalized at King Fahd Hospital in Madinah on Nov .08 with burns,cuts on her face made with scissors and a fractured finger . ”The case has made headlines in Indonesia after President Yudhoyono himself instructed the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign affairs to look ito the matter seriously and send the diplomatic mission, including health officials, to Madinah,” said Wahyudi , the police aren’t likeky to take action, if any, until after Eid holiday.
”I want the law to be enforced. I want all-out diplomacy,” Yudhoyono was quoted as saying by the local media. Sumiati is from West Nusa Tenggara.
Moro than 80,000 Indonesian domestic workers come to saudi Arabia every year . Currently , about one million Indonesian workers, three-fourth of them female, live and work in Kingdom.
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